
Injection mould gate choice|How to choose the best mould gate|Sino mould

Gate is the end of the and the runner, the enter part of the material.the location, quantity and size of the gate have great influence the products surface condition, cycle time and the precision of the size. So before we choice the injection machine gate we should take full consideration of the products shape, flowing direction and the Weld mark condition and the input gate condition. If the Cross-sectional area of the gate is big, the filling condition well be very nice,but the sealing time is longer than the normally one.and it can be very difficult to deal with. On the other hand, it is better for us to choice gate with Minimum stress concentration and the deformation .

The things we should pay great attention when we choice the gate are : first control well to the flowing material to ensure that the material do not run back the runner. Second the material run in the runners can producting hot since friction.and that will make the surface of the products nice. Third, a nice gate can easy apart the material and the runner, that is very nice for second production. Last but not the least, fo r the multi cavities gates moulds , though the adjustment the size of the gate, we can balanced filling the cavities.

All in all, when choice the gate, we care the location .size.quantity and so on. To make a good gate, we should take great consideration of the product‘s shape,surface, material, the injection ability of the machine, cycle time , reproduction and economy features and so on.

We do our best to make choice best injection mould gate to the customers.

Written by Angela



